Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Frustrated Malaysian

I was not interested in Politics 5 or 10 years back but the way Malaysian politics heading, it has dragged me into it.

Well as the title says I am a frustrated Malaysian who is disgusted of Ultra fanatic ruling government whose ultimate goal is to eliminate basic human rights of freedom speech, freedom of religion so on so forth as stipulated in Malaysian constitution.

I know, I know I am drumming the same beat again as my predecessors but the reality is that it has to be hammered again, again until these people realize that it is a damn wrong thing to do.

During my younger days or during Mahathirs time. The disparities among the races were not so obvious. It was there but was not obvious therefore what you don’t see does not affect you. I still remember my friends who comprises of all races but now you can hardly see any of these races mingling together and this is very evident in the schools

Does this means we have to change our Education system? Yes we have to change so that we produce more intellectuals instead quantity of half boils and definitely to get rid of the quota system. What the heck is this quota system for? to produce moron politicians to rule the country. I know I know it is people's choice to select politician but if the majority of the people are half boils, whom do you expect will be the politician.

Now after the March elections we have seen more QUALIFIED politicians on the opposition. Which is good but, can they uphold their promises. This we have to wait and see.

Today's Dewan sitting has shown that the ruling goverment still wants to hold on to the power while it is slowly slipping away. This is evident in the way the Speaker handled the house. It is very clear he is under the ruling Goverment salary scheme. For GOD sake what is wrong with that idiot? ARROGANCE is the right word for these BN fanatics.

These morons should understand that he is representing the people. you are there to discuss about peoples issue and you are liable and answerable to people not to blabber.People here meaning not 1 race but all the races that voted for you in your constituency. These morons need anger management lessons. I think that should be 1 of the criteria for politicians.

As for me, I want to see changes. I am not asking more all that I am asking is to give us the basic rights as human being and as a Malaysian.