Monday, August 30, 2010

Blogging Discipline

WOw!!! I cant believe I have not written for almost 2 years. Too many things happened in these almost 2 years.

New job description, new job location. As many of you know, when you change your job or relocate to a new place you have to learn all over again from the start.

So here I am after almost 2 years going up and down and back and forth, doing what I like doing the most.


Yup in the last 6 months I have been to 2 emergencies Haiti and Kyrgyzstan. A lot of experience a lot of new people and a lot of new procedures.Learning new things are always fun. Haiti and Kyrgyzstan blog will be another day.

Looking forward for more learning.

Ok coming back to the subject, I think I have to discipline myself to write often.

Now if I could only find the time to do that ..hhhmmmm.....