Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tiger woods Wannabe

Recently I picked up playing golf. After all these years why suddenly asked my good friend. I paused for a moment and couldn’t find a suitable answer except for one, my son.
Yes it was my son who inspired me.

My son is only 5 years and he has not picked up golf. The story goes like this, one day over the phone my son mentioned he wants to play golf and he likes golf. The moment I heard that I had this panicky feeling. I was asking my self “do I know how to play golf, How am I going to teach him to play golf as I myself don’t know anything. So I asked my wife how come he is suddenly talking about golf and the answer came He is hooked in Golf video game.

That was a relief but yet it got me thinking. Are we adults nowadays keeping up with our child’s development? The speed these kids growing up are tremendous. I still remember once my son was teaching me how to ON a computer and how to go to Internet and he was then only 4. I can’t even remember what I was doing at that age, probably running around naked.

I think human evolution is at the brink of jumping into the next step. What step is that I don’t know? If we see the human evolution for the last millennia it has been stagnant. Maybe in the next millennia probably human being would communicate thru their minds instead of speech.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Lady Power

I was watching a movie the other day. In that movie, a lady asked a question which got me thinking. The question was "what do people in power want?"

What do people in power want? I am not sure but as you digg deeper into that question and you probably would come to a conclusion that almost all of them wants more power.I am sure everyone has heard about that phrase but I wonder if one has spent time thinking about the question.

People in the power are the ones who shape the nation. The recent example is Robert Mugabe. what do they want? you know the answer.

At 1 point of dwelling at this question I asked my self another question " would this world be any different if the people in power were Women. Imagine all the Nations in the world is represented by women. i really wonder ......

Maybe then we would have peace in this world maybe we would have cleaner air to breath but i doubt Iwould see it happening in my life time.There has been a lot of writings about the greatness of women but yet there is something missing for them to perform great works. I am not saying there are none but very few. There are none to make really an impact to this world so that the men in power would drop everything and start listening.

If you ask anyone, Who is the best women they know in their life? the answer probably would be for a married man his wife and for a bachelor would be his mom but if you ask who is the BEST person probably it would be a guy. Do men have to change their mentality first so that these angels sit and stand equal? So what is missiong then? why they have not leapt to another step what is stopping these angels from saving this humanity from destroying itself?

I simply have no answers to these questions. One thing for sure as long as men are ruling, definitely there will be destruction. History has proven that.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


This word has become a household name now. I am not an expert on the issue but somehow rather as a Malaysian I think I am affected by this revolutionary movement.I dont know how or when this word HINDRAF (Hindu Right Action Force) changed to MAKKAL SHAKTHI(People Power) but some how Hindraf is being referred to as makkal Shakthi nowadays.This movement was or is led by a lawyer and many of this organisation members are Professionals.

Basically what I understand about this movement is, that they voiced out very LOUDLY the injustice done to Hindu religion. The ruling government as always does not like anybody talking loud. They feel that no matter how right you are it’s their duty to bring those people who are making loud noises to their knees and beg for forgiveness. In the olden days this was done by masters to slaves . What a mentality these people have!!!!.The question here is why did these people were making loud noise? They tried all venues, the prime minister, the ministers and finally the courts but nothing worked hence the noise.

The injustice begun very long time ago with introduction of the quota system but was never felt by the Indians in Malaysia at that time. As the ruling government became very bold in manifesting their hatred towards the religion, the movement was borne. One may ask what the quota system has to do with the religion. Simple, quota system marginalizes the minority which in Malaysian Context, the Indians and majority Indians practice Hinduism. You may argue that there are other minority races but fundamentally the Malaysian independence was reached with cooperation of 3 major ethnic groups and guess what, 1 of them are Indians. I guess that is the background. As I understand this has nothing to do with other races in Malaysia it was a simple fight to up hold the constitution and to up hold basic Malaysian rights.

A number of incidents happened to these movement leaders who I admit I do admire for their boldness. Then, the rally took place. 20 to 30 thousand people turned up for the rally and all of them were Indians. It was meant to be a peaceful rally but with the interference of police it turned out to be something that Malaysian Indians will not forget for next 20 to 30 years. I would not blame the police because they are just the tools used by these mighty politicians to carry out their dirty works. This rally shook the foundation of Malaysian Indian politics. It sent out a clear message that Malaysian Indians had enough of this injustice and has lost trust in MIC ( Malaysian Indian Congress) the only political party which was representing Indians in the ruling government. As a result of this 5 HINDRAF leaders where arrested under Internal Security Act (ISA) which is imprisonment without trial. The reason given was they are threat to national security. ISA is like a double edge sword which can cut both sides. It can be used for good and bad. Another tool used by the ruling government as whip to silence voices. The government tried all they can to discredit this movement by, name calling, branding them as terrorist, the race issue so on so fourth.

March 8 the judgment day. Out of 14 states, 5 states was lost to opposition party and 3 of them are money making states and the best part of this is, 1 of the HINDRAF leader won the election while still in the detention centre. For any logical thinking human being, they would understand this as that people in that constituency believe and trust that this person truly a champion for their cause and could do well for their constituency. Now mind you that this was fair and legal election.
The only logical thing to do for the ruling government is to release the Leader who has won the election so that he can serve the people in his constituency but they are not doing that. WHY??? Another political game being played or you can call it injustice.

So what these 7 percent Malaysian Indians can hope for from the ruling government? Nothing, nothing at all. Malaysian Indians are still being treated as 3rd class citizens. In the current ruling government’s mind, Malaysian Indians are immigrant workers as they were 100 years and they still are now. I would like to remind these politicians; times are changing you might not be there for long and when the time comes, you will reap what you sow so, be careful what you sow.

All I am asking is basic rights as human being and basic right as a Malaysian. Nothing more and nothing less.

Note: I have purposely left out quite number of incidents in this HINDRAF saga which was widely reported by media.