Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tiger woods Wannabe

Recently I picked up playing golf. After all these years why suddenly asked my good friend. I paused for a moment and couldn’t find a suitable answer except for one, my son.
Yes it was my son who inspired me.

My son is only 5 years and he has not picked up golf. The story goes like this, one day over the phone my son mentioned he wants to play golf and he likes golf. The moment I heard that I had this panicky feeling. I was asking my self “do I know how to play golf, How am I going to teach him to play golf as I myself don’t know anything. So I asked my wife how come he is suddenly talking about golf and the answer came He is hooked in Golf video game.

That was a relief but yet it got me thinking. Are we adults nowadays keeping up with our child’s development? The speed these kids growing up are tremendous. I still remember once my son was teaching me how to ON a computer and how to go to Internet and he was then only 4. I can’t even remember what I was doing at that age, probably running around naked.

I think human evolution is at the brink of jumping into the next step. What step is that I don’t know? If we see the human evolution for the last millennia it has been stagnant. Maybe in the next millennia probably human being would communicate thru their minds instead of speech.

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