Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Malaysian Clowns

What???? Again!!!

Malaysians generally agree that Dr.Mahathir put Malaysia on the world Map. I concur both for good and bad. We have to be unbiased on this issue. No doubt he built the tallest Twin towers, 3 longest bridges and the list Goes on. He also managed to put Malaysia on the Map for Sodomy case. And Now I think our current prime minister is trying to match the performance of the former by putting again Malaysia on the world map. If that is the case then Bravo amigo you did it!!!

Damn!!!.... Can anyone apprehend the charges??? I can’t. Sodomy committed by a deputy Prime minister (Then). These Malaysian politicians are either extremely smart in playing the political cards or down right Stupid. My gut feeling says it’s the latter

The first charge it self was damaging enough and now the second???. What the @#$% is wrong with these people.
Are they looking only looking after their best interest or people’s interest?
The people of Malaysia are suffering because of these idiotic morons antics. I can’t imagine how Malaysians leaving overseas would feel each and every time someone comes up and asks about these dramas. Yeah my deputy prime minister ……. I cant even imagine explaining it….. yuckkksssss !!!. Generally Malaysians had enough of these dramas

SO what do we the Malaysian commoners get out of all these drama? 0 yes zero.

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