Sunday, September 21, 2008

916 Came and Went.

Another promise made, and broken. It seems for politicians, making promises are like giving out candies and poor layman has to live and strife on these words. When a promise is broken trust is also broken. As for that matter I never trusted politicians.

A lot of hope and trust were trashed on 16/9/2008. As I have written before, Annuar still cannot be trusted and he is still yet to prove he is worthy of those votes.

No doubt there have been a lot of changes taking place since the opposition took the 5 states ( according to my friends) but I am yet to see the ultimate change in the policies that will foster this nation’s building blocks of unity. In the last couple of months we have seen a dramatic increase in court cases. There are ample of examples just go and look in to Malaysian dailies.

Once in a while the ugliness creeps its head out and shows to the nation that it would take not 5 but another life time before we see real unity among races living in Malaysia.
The current government is still going ahead with its agenda despite public out cry. This shows that they don’t give rat’s a#$ about what you and I think. I still remember those old days where I could easily befriend and talk to any race in fact I HAD a number friends from the Major race but now, they have disappeared. Either they have become Ultra or just passive too scared to voice their grievance.

If the force behind the current government or anyone who wants to head this nation wants really to see the Unity among the racs, then they should start with fostering it in the Schools.
That is your cradle. But unfortunately nothing has been done to either to start working or shown any interest. There is a lot of talking about this though but am yet to see it materialize.

Take your time and visit the schools. Just stand there during the “Perhimpunan” and watch. You will understand what I mean. Good number of people in teaching profession also is not satisfied with the current system but what can they do? They are merely wage earners not decision makers. Every single step taken by the current government is showing that UNITY is not in their Agenda. They want to Divide and rule just like the British did 50 years ago. As long as the country is in chaos, someone is gaining from it.

Who is gaining? I leave it up to your imaginary.

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